Toothache can occur due to
inflammation of the pulp on the teeth. Sometimes pulp inflammation that is
severe enough will cause pain, rheumatic pain and swelling in the area around
the teeth. Factors of inflammation are also various, namely due to
accumulation of pus under the teeth due to bacterial infection, tooth decay due
to cavities, damaged tooth fillings and the presence of teeth that are pinched
with other teeth. To overcome this, below the futurology team has prepared
a number of tips / ways to treat sick cavities with Best Dentist in Jaipur. The following are the ways:
Mouth /
Tooth Cleaning
Bacteria are the main cause of
toothache because bacteria can cause damage to teeth and gums. So don't
forget or are lazy to clean your mouth / teeth especially after you finish eating.
Do you know that lime also
includes medicine? The trick drops a spoonful after a spoonful of the
diseased tooth every 10 minutes, until the orange juice runs out. Vitamin
C in orange juice can also relieve toothache and that is why lime is one way to
treat sick cavities.
Behind the saltiness of salt,
there is an iodine content that can relieve pain in the teeth. Here's how,
dissolve salt in a glass of warm mineral water then stir, and then rinse until
you feel comfortable and not too tormented because of toothache. But, it
is not recommended to chew the salt directly, because the spread does not reach
the teeth, for more advice you can contact BestDental Clinic in Jaipur.
Star fruit
How to take a few star fruit and
wash thoroughly, after that, eat with salt. Chew slowly using diseased
Cloves can also reduce pain in
the teeth. This clove has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial
and anesthetic properties. The trick is to spray a small amount of clove
oil into a cotton swab and stick it to the affected tooth. You can also
mix a few drops of clove oil into a glass of water to rinse.
According to Oral Surgeon in Jaipur, Garlic which has antibiotic properties is very effective
in reducing pain in the teeth. The trick is to take one clove of garlic
then mash until smooth, then add salt and apply directly to the tooth that
feels pain. Repeat for a few days.
Red onion
No fewer efficacies with
garlic. This onion also has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which
apparently can control toothache. The trick is to take one clove of raw
onion then chew for a few minutes until the pain in the tooth
disappears. But if you can't chew, just rub it on a sore tooth. This
will help kill bacteria in the mouth causing the infection.
Guava Leaf
Guava leaves can also relieve
toothache. The trick is enough you chew one or two sheets, then rub on the
affected tooth. Or you can cook 4-5 guava leaves and add salt until
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